Staff Directory


Photo of Aura Street

Aura Street


Photo of Cody Young

Cody Young

Vice Principal

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Melissa Lang

Melissa Lang

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Lisa Savage

Lisa Savage

Administrative Assistant

Support Staff

Photo of Barb Moll

Barb Moll

Early Learning Program Educator

Photo of Melissa Lang

Melissa Lang


Photo of Danielle Schaitel

Danielle Schaitel

School Liaison Counsellor


Photo of Megan Getz

Megan Getz


Photo of Tanya Scherer

Tanya Scherer

Grade 1

Photo of Melissa Scory

Melissa Scory

Grade 1 - on leave

Photo of Pam Leahy

Pam Leahy

Grade 2

Photo of Natalie Bueckert

Natalie Bueckert

Grade 2/3

Photo of Courtney Helmer

Courtney Helmer

Grade 3

Photo of Chad Frey

Chad Frey

Grade 4

Photo of Carrie Ross

Carrie Ross

Grade 4/5

Photo of Amber Kornelson

Amber Kornelson

Grade 5

Photo of Annette Graf

Annette Graf

Grade 6

Photo of Kelly Topp

Kelly Topp

Phys. Ed. Specialist

Photo of Cody Young

Cody Young

Learning Support Teacher

Photo of Tianna Watt

Tianna Watt

Music, Grade 4/5

Photo of Jordan Kopec

Jordan Kopec

Music, Grade 4/5 - (Maternity Leave)

Learning Assistants

Photo of Davilyn Atwood

Davilyn Atwood

Learning Assistant

Photo of Wendy Barg

Wendy Barg

Learning Assistant

Photo of Jacquie Clarkson

Jacquie Clarkson

Learning Assistant

Photo of Diana Gurdian

Diana Gurdian

Learning Assistant

Photo of Anita Hoey

Anita Hoey

Learning Assistant

Photo of Tanya Michon

Tanya Michon

Learning Assistant

Photo of Angela Orr

Angela Orr

Learning Assistant

Photo of Melanie Unser

Melanie Unser

Learning Assistant

Photo of Trish Walters

Trish Walters

Learning Assistant

Photo of Alana Weisgerber

Alana Weisgerber

Learning Assistant

Photo of Tanis Ziegler

Tanis Ziegler

Learning Assistant


Photo of Sherry Leader

Sherry Leader


Photo of Alf Skinner

Alf Skinner

Evening Custodian

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Pam Fandrick

Pam Fandrick

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Diana Gurdian

Diana Gurdian

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Lisa Savage- Admin

Lisa Savage- Admin

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Davilyn Atwood

Davilyn Atwood

Out of School Care Program

Photo of Tanis Ziegler

Tanis Ziegler